Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Greetings from the Shed

It's that time of year when we can be overcome with stress and do things we may regret if we're not careful or look after ourselves. Christmas and New year brings out the best - and worst - in people; making it potentially a great time or one you'd rather forget. Relationships Australia has some great advice on how to survive the season including:

Budget well and plan ahead

Try to work together as a team, rather than aim to be the “Masterchef” yourself
Have realistic expectations of yourself and of others – try not to expect people to be what they are not

Find time to “chill out” – everyday

Don’t try to do it all on Christmas Day - spread your family visits out over a few days

Practice forgiveness – it will make you feel better

Limit your intake of alcohol – behaviour can get out of hand

If you are alone, plan in advance to do something you enjoy or get together with a friend who is also alone

Listen and show respect

Agree to disagree on issues

Say thanks to people that help out.

And finally don’t try to resolve year long hurts or disagreements on Christmas Day – use the next 364 days to sort out relationship issues.

So, take some time to think about how to make Christmas a time of joy and pleasure - one where the important things are remembered and celebrated.

Merry Christmas to all from the Virtual Shed.