Tuesday, April 30, 2013

STEVEN BRADBURY - 'Last man standing' will be in Scone 28th June 2013

Scone Neighbourhood Centre



Since his remarkable victory Steven is inspiring people all over the world spreading his message of passion and persistence. Steven’s story is one of the true Aussie battler who overcomes all kinds of adversity to achieve the ultimate goal. Some people have described Steven Bradbury’s victory as lucky. But winning Olympic gold took a lot more than just luck!

Friday 28th June 2013 – 6.30pm for 7.00pm start
Scone RSL – Upstairs Auditorium

Bar Snacks served throughout the night – tea and coffee available

Also featuring Scone Singers and Dr Steve Sylvester

Tickets $15.00 (proceeds to future Neighbourhood Centre projects)

available from Neighbourhood Centre 130 Liverpool Street, Scone
and Aberdeen Neighbourhood Centre 22 Moray Street, Aberdeen

More info 6545 2562

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You are Invited to -
 ‘A little bit of information’
can go a long way….. 

Bill Howey
Thursday 2nd May 2013  - 6.30pm 
at the Scone Neighbourhood Centre 130 Liverpool Street, Scone
entry through Main Street doors.
Local resident and recent Councillor Bill Howey is a former Rural Ambassador for the Black Dog Institute. Bill will present on ‘His Story’ and ‘Dealing with Demons’. He will seek to demystify, de-stigmatise and dignify issues relating to anxiety, anger, stress and various types of depression illness. Bill will cite myriad examples of famous and brilliant people throughout history who have suffered and how they ‘dealt with their demons’ not always successfully? We are in eclectic company!
No booking necessary
Additional information phone Lee 6545 2562 or email lee.scone@pacific.net.au 
Congratulations to the Upper Hunter Mens Shed who held there opening this month.

The shed located in Oxford Road, Scone was officially opened by the Hon George Souris Member for the Upper Hunter. The weather was brilliant and the support was fantastic!!!

The Virtual Shed are pleased to have been a part of the Mens Shed beginnings.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bunnan Community BBQ

Hi fellers, the next Community BBQ for Blokes hosted by the Scone Neighbourhood Centre is happening on Saturday, 2nd February 2013 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm at the Bunnan Hall, Bunnan.

We're looking forward to getting out there, firing up the barbie and having a presenter from the NSW Cancer Council share some tips on cancer prevention.

I'm sure this is particularly pertinent to those fellers who spend a lot of time outdoors.

This is also just a great chance to catch up with your neighbours and share in community spirit in a casual setting. So why not take a bit of time out from your busy schedules and recharge? Bookings are essential for catering purposes and can be made by phoning the Neighbourhood Centre on 6545 2562.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Heat Wise - Tips on Keeping Safer

This year has seen some extreme temperatures with the weather bureau predicting more to come. At it's most extreme heat can result in a person experiencing heat stroke which can be a potentially life threatening condition.

This happens when the body's core temperature rises above 40.5 degrees and can result in serious medical conditions which will need to be treated as an emergency. To a lesser extent, prolonged exposure to heat can result in suffering from heat stress - not as debilitating as heat stroke, but still very uncomfortable and debilitating. NSW Health, in their Heat Stroke Factsheet has more information and some very useful tips to avoid becoming badly affected by the heat.

People at particular risk of experiencing heat stress or stroke are:
  • people over 75 years
  • babies and young children
  • people with chronic diseases (high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes or circulatory diseases)
  • people who are obese
  • people on some medications
  • people who are socially isolated
  • people who work outdoors or in hot and poorly ventilated areas
  • people engaging in vigorous physical activity in hot weather
  • people who are not acclimatized to the heat, e.g., overseas visitors.
Ways to help avoid becoming affected by heat stress include:

  • drinking plenty of water or other cool, non-alcoholic drinks. (Check with your doctor if you are on limited fluids or fluid pills)
  • stay indoors or in the shade
  • staying cool and keep air circulating around you. Use air-conditioning if possible (if you don't have air-conditioning, consider visiting an air-conditioned shopping centre or public library)
  • reducing physical activity and avoiding vigorous exertion in hot weather
  • resting often if activity is unavoidable
  • eating regular light meals
  • wearing lightweight clothing
  • taking a cool shower, bath or sponge bath
  • checking on older, sick and frail people who may need help coping with the heat (at least twice a day)
  • never leave a person or pets in a closed parked car.
Follow these tips and look after yourselves - and if you know anyone at particular risk, please, take some time and check on them.